Civilisation Game - Shanghai




A unique multi-activity camp for children, creating diverse opportunities for personal growth through exploration of nature as well as other hands-on experiences. The programme encompasses over 10 different activities, including fun sportsadventurestraditional culture, and nature education.



Imagine’s Yanqing Camp is located in the Beijing Expo Garden Resort, with the Gui River flowing through it and the Hai Tuo Mountain Range as its backdrop. The camp is surrounded by picturesque lakes and mountains, featuring outdoor adventure facilities and a natural ecological wetland. With water sports facilities such as kayaking and paddleboarding and the Expo heritage sites like the China Pavilion and Botanical Pavilion, the Camp aims to create a national-level comprehensive experiential Camp. It focuses on outdoor sports education, green ecological and nature education, and traditional cultural heritage education.


The camp has multi-person rooms, accommodating up to 308 people simultaneously. We use high-quality, environmentally friendly wooden materials for decoration. Each room has its own bathroom with 24-hour hot water supply. The camp is equipped with a 60-degree constant temperature drinking water dispenser, air conditioning, CCTV surveillance in public areas, a medical room, and a duty room. We strictly adhere to the company’s camp management standards, following the principles of gender separation and zoning. Opposite-gender mentors are not allowed to enter campers’ rooms alone, ensuring order and safety in the rooms.


The camp has a team dining hall that can accommodate 200 people dining simultaneously. With complete licenses, including catering, business, and health permits, and daily food samples, the dining facility follows high standards for utensil sterilization and purified drinking water. Imagine Camp’s meals are provided in buffet and table service styles, emphasizing a variety of categories and balanced nutrition The camp ensures the supply of seasonal fruits and other food.



Day 1
Opening, Disc Golf
Visit the China Paviliaon, Hands-on Activity
Day 2
Visit the Botanical Garden, Hands-on Activity
Day 3
Cycling in Gui River Park
Overnight at Expo Park, Evening Games
Day 4
Gaga Ball & Fun Games
Overnight at Expo Park, Evening Games
Day 5
Yeya Wetland Park Hiking & Bird Watching


Fun Sports

This is not just a fun game but also an educational and meaningful experience. Children will discover their potential, build confidence, and learn to respect others while accepting failure. Let students fully experience a diverse range of activities, from frisbee to orienteering, and from ball sports to kayaking, allowing them to unleash their energy, enhance their skills, and enjoy the fun of sports from around the world!



Gui River Cycling

The Gui River Forest Park is renowned as one of the most beautiful cycling routes in Beijing, and the Gui River is also the mother river of the Yanqing people. Passing through forests in the Gui River basin, the lush vegetation on both sides creates a serene environment. The park features winding paths through the vast Yanqing Reservoir upstream water source, spanning thousands of acres of wetlands. The cycling route in the park covers 20 kilometers. Under the guidance of Imagine coaches, participants first learn safety cycling rules, maintaining a safe distance, braking skills, hand signals for communication, and team spirit. Then, it’s time to chase the wind and enjoy the beautiful spring scenery!”



Yeya Lake Wetland Park Hiking

Spring is the season of nature’s rebirth, full of vitality. To better understand and appreciate the beauty of birds and feel the charm of nature, Imagine coaches lead students into the Beijing Yeya Lake Wetland Park for springtime bird-watching and hiking. Under the guidance of the coach, children delve into the wetland park, exploring traces of various bird species. Spring is the breeding season for birds, and during this time, the wetland park is home to a variety of birds such as egrets, herons, mandarin ducks, and mallards. Children learn how to identify different types of birds and understand their habits and breeding characteristics.



Visit the China Pavilion and Plant Tie-Dye Activity

Visit the China Pavilion in the World Expo Camp, where traditional Chinese ecological wisdom is integrated with contemporary achievements in ecological civilization. Under the guidance of Imagine coaches, students will appreciate the diverse landscapes and ecological innovations of the Chinese people.

In the interactive and experiential sessions, a unique intangible cultural heritage activity is prepared for the students: Plant Tie-Dye! In a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, children will learn to create colorful fabric works using plant dyes, fostering creativity and handicraft skills. By hands-on experience in tie-dye craftsmanship, they will feel the beauty of traditional art and enhance their understanding of Chinese culture.




Nature Education – Plant Adventure

Under the guidance of professional tutors and Imagine coaches, children will visit the ‘Plant Pavilion’ in the World Expo Camp, embarking on a magical plant adventure. The pavilion hosts over 1,000 species and 20,000 rare plants, providing a scientific and educational space for teenagers. Let’s get up close with tropical plants, get to know unique plants, and discover lively and adorable little animals! After the plant pavilion visit, we prepared a handicraft activity for the students: Plant Mask Making! Under the guidance of Imagine coaches, children will use selected dried plants such as flowers, leaves, and herbs to create a unique plant mask. By cleverly combining different plant materials, children will unleash their creativity, crafting plant masks that showcase the beauty of nature.




Since 2014, Imagine has been dedicated to providing a diverse range of outdoor adventure and cultural exchange activities for international schools, embassies, and corporate teams in China, Southeast Asia, and beyond, earning widespread recognition within the international school community.

自 2014 年起,Imagine 致力于为中国及东南亚区域的国际学校、大使馆及企业团队提供门类宽广的户外探险文化交流活动,并在国际学校社区中享有广泛的知名度。

At Imagine, we have a professional team of international and local coaches for leading creative games, imparting survival skills, teaching skiing techniques, or engaging in other outdoor activities and cultural exchanges in English. they have rich skills and experience in their respective fields and hold the necessary qualifications. They welcome each child with a warm and friendly attitude and a passion for their work.

Since 2014, we have continuously pursued excellence by refining internal staff training programs and enhancing activity risk assessment processes. This ensures that our coaching team can proficiently execute various activities while always prioritizing safety. In every activity, at least one coach with Wilderness Advanced First Aid (or higher) qualification is present on-site to ensure prompt and professional handling in case of emergencies.

在 Imagine,我们有一支由国际和本地教练组成的专业团队,他们带领创意游戏、传授生存技能、指导滑雪技巧,还是参与其他户外活动及文化交流,都在各自领域拥有丰富的技能和经验,具备相应的资质认证,而且把英文作为工作语言。他们将以亲切友好的态度和对工作的热爱迎接每一位孩子。

自 2014 年起,我们不断追求卓越,通过完善员工内部培训计划和加强活动风险评估流程,确保我们的教练队伍能够熟练地执行各类活动并始终将安全放在首位。每项活动中,至少会有一名持有野外医学高级急救(或更高级别)资格的教练现场值守,以确保万一发生紧急情况时,能够得到及时而专业的处理。

For every Imagine camp, we have dedicated logistics personnel or teams responsible for handling all details to support the smooth progress of experiential learning activities. This includes transportation arrangements, accommodation bookings, catering services, equipment maintenance, health and safety, site cleanliness, technical support, and schedule coordination. This allows our coaches to focus on what they do best – teaching and guiding.


24 Hours Customer Service- Pre, During, and Post the Camp.


  • 24-hour exclusive customer service for one-on-one Q&A
  • Parent WeChat group establishment
  • Share camp information package


During Camp

  • Quick response and communication.
  • Updates on the camp situation
  • Share daily photo albums in the parent’s WeChat group


Post the Camp

  • Maintain interaction
  • Quick response




  • 提供24小时一对一问答的专属客户服务
  • 建立家长微信群
  • 分享参营信息包



  • 快速响应和沟通
  • 更新营地情况
  • 在家长微信群中分享每日照片与视频



  • 保持互动
  • 收集反馈


  • Price 价格

    ¥ 6380 ~ ¥ 5280

  • Included 价格包含

    Activities and instructions, Entrance Tickets, Equipment, Transportation, Accommodation (optional), Lunch for Thu & Fri, Insurance. 活动的组织及指导,门票,装备,交通,周四及周五午餐,住宿(可选),保险。

  • Discount 折扣

    Sign up with 2~4 friends: ¥300 off / Sign up with 5~8 friends: ¥500 off. 3-5人团购,优惠¥300 6-9人团购,优惠¥500

  • Pick-up Points 接送点

    Riviera, Lido 香江花园,丽都

  • Ratio 比例

    Adults : Students Ratio 1:5 (+/-2) 教员:学员比例1:5(+/-2)

  • Enrollment 报名流程

    Enroll by contacting our customer service or click "Read more" to sign up on our official website 联系我们的客服代表或点击下方“阅读原文”以访问我们的官网进行报名