Already done some survival or adventure activities with Imagine before? Now it’s time to take it to the next level! Survival Camp Level 2 teaches you all kinds of advanced survival skills and knowledge. 

After two day trips to the forest in Huairou, you go on a 3-day overnight trip to Baihe, Miyun, camping there in tents. If you’re brave enough, you can even try sleeping in a shelter! 

This is for kids who want to step out of their comfort zones and test themselves while taking their Survival education further.





Mon September 30th – Fri October 4th



Daily Transport

8:00 am – 5:45 pm
At The Starbucks at the Lido Place, Metropark Lido Hotel

8:30 am – 5:15 pm
At Beijing Riviera

9:00 am – 4:45 pm
At North Edge of Ku Liu Shu Roundabout (Houshayu)


8:00 am – 5:45 pm

8:30 am – 5:15 pm

9:00 am – 4:45 pm

Miyun Baihe Valley Hike
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Day 1

AM: Trap Making

After getting to know each other with a round of introductions, we begin with a review of all the most important safety topics for outdoor activities. We review the survival priorities knowledge, and the safe way to use a knife and other tools.

We also talk about how to ensure we choose a safe place to set up camp, and how to do basic hazard assessments while in any outdoor environment. We assess how much survival knowledge the students have already, and in which areas they need to learn more. We review shelter construction skills such as useful knots and lashing techniques, and create a more advanced shelter than before, with a raised platform.

Lunch: Packed Lunch

PM: Advanced Fire Making

All kids should already have made lots of campfires before, so after reviewing fire safety, we take it to the next level, showing kids some fascinating alternative ways to make fires, suitable for various different conditions and survival scenarios.

We learn about ways of extracting water from the ground, from plants or by collecting it from a shelter roof. If still time left, we also design more advanced and creative types of traps.








Day 2

AM: Hiding & Tracking

 In some situations, going unseen and unheard is important for not getting caught. After discussion about camouflage and practising quiet movement techniques, kids create and wear camouflage face-paint and camouflage clothing, and test it out with a game of hide and seek in the forest. 

We also discuss tracking animals and humans, and use that knowledge to look for signs of where the other kids may be hiding.

Lunch: Packed lunch

PM: Advanced Raft-builiding

Kids have learnt to build one type of survival raft on camp before. Now it’s time to improve on the skills and learn a new design! No matter if it sinks or floats, it’s always fun to cool off in the river!  








Day 3

AM: Set Up Campsite in Baihe

With tons of old and new knowledge fresh in mind, the kids are prepped and ready to really put themselves up for a challenge. They embark on a journey to a new location – a remote river in the mountains of Miyun, with only tents, tools, a fire stone and enough food for three days. 

There is no accommodation, and they must make their way as a team from this spot to their extraction point many miles upstream by the last day, where they will find the Imagine bus waiting to take them home. 

We find a suitable location to set up tents and practise our hazard awareness skills to do an assessment of the weather, the river, the surrounding environment, and discuss safety precautions and our plan for how to complete the challenge as a team. 

Lunch: Packed Lunch

PM: Cave Exploration, Advanced Fire Cooking, Star Navigation

As we explore our surroundings, we go inside an exciting 800m long pitch black cave, experience total darkness and silence, spot bats, and look for an old hidden message. When back by our tents, kids must think about the new advanced fire skills they have learned, and think of the best way to create the fire in this exact situation in the current conidtions, without help. Then, they must also figure out how to cook dinner on their fire, using the food supplies and the equipment available, without  much help.  After hopefully getting full up, if the stars are out, we teach about using the stars for navigation, before going to sleep in tents by the river.


带着大量新鲜的知识储备,孩子们已经完全为面前的挑战做足了准备。他们将带着有限的物资(帐篷,工具,火石和足量的水和食物)来探索我们全新的营地 — 一条位于密云群山之间的偏僻的河谷。







Day 4

AM: Signaling, Hiking, Navigation

We build on existing knowledge of signalling for rescue, and practise some more advanced knife techniques. Then we set off on a hike to explore what there is further upstream and try to figure out how far it might be to our extraction point. 

As we hike through beautiful scenery, we discuss more about navigation using the sun and learn to be observant and aware of the mountains and rivers as reference points.         

Lunch: Packed Lunch provided by Imagine

PM: River Crossing, Advanced Shelter

During the hike, we have to cross a river, and this is a fun and exciting challenge for the group. We discuss different techniques for river crossing, and the way to make a decision on which technique to use in different circumstances. 

After getting back to camp, we build an advanced shelter, ready to be used for sleeping in. Kids make their own fire again and cook another dinner, completely independently if they can! 

At night, most kids will sleep in tents, but anyone who really wants to challenge themselves may try sleeping in the shelter, for however long they feel comfortable. More stargazing if it’s a clear night!










Day 5

AM: Pack Up and Hike

It’s time to pack up the base camp and embark on the major hike to escape from the wilderness. First, as always, we Leave No Trace behind us. Then we put together all the knowledge and skills from the whole week, to navigate upstream, carrying all the supplies on our backs.

Along the way, kids will make decisions about which way to go and how to cross rivers. To get there in time, they will need to decide how long they rest and eat for. We discuss more about escape and rescue scenarios, and think about ways of signalling from the valley up to the mountain roads far away.

Lunch: Packed lunch provided by Imagine.

PM: Completion

By the time the kids reach the extraction point on the mountain road, they will have completed a truly epic adventure and will have a real sense of achievement. They may be exhausted, hungry, smelly and sweaty, but this is the feeling of getting through something that they may never normally do in a modern urban life.

We truly believe this experience will stay with them forever and make them stronger, more confident, more resilient, more knowledgeable and able to put things in perspective as they face any challenge in their future. 








If it is forecast to rain a little, we continue with everything as normal. Tents are waterproof so it’s ok to camp overnight in light rain. Rain actually adds more of a challenge, and we can teach a lot about how to deal with rain, stay dry, and dry things off around the fire, as well as how to make a fire when the wood is wet. This is actually an even more educational experience and will make the kids tougher!

However, if there is a big storm forecast or the rain is so heavy that it causes any safety hazards (or if AQI is high), we will change the itinerary around, having camping on the best days, and indoor days on the worst days. The indoor activities will most likely be at the Huairou location, but if there are major floods, we will choose an indoor location closer to Beijing. Indoor activities may include survival knowledge lessons, knots and tools exercises, making water filters, creating things from wood and other games.

We may also consider going indoor rock climbing or other activities if the weather is bad for many days. In any case, the camp will not be cancelled, and we encourage everyone to come along.




 If in doubt, we generally encourage kids to do Adventure Camp first and then do Survival Level 2 afterwards. However, as long as they remember most of their training and are generally comfortable in the forest getting dirty and challenging themselves, they may still sign up if they like. After all, 90% of survival is about determination and positive thinking!


Yes if you like but it must be handed to the instructor at the very start and can only be used under direct supervision.


Not yet, but this camp is already more challenging than the Level 2 course last year. If you already completed that one, this will have a lot of fresh and exciting new content!


Days 1 and 2 have transport there and back each day. On day 3, transport takes them there, then they camp for two nights and have transport back on day 5. If there are any changes you will be notified.


For days 1, 2 and 3 yes. For days 4 and 5 no, it is provided, but please bring a water bottle and bowl and fork for those days.


Generally, no, as it distracts them and affects the natural/survival experience. Part of our mission is to get kids off these devices and more present in the real world. Also gadgets may get dirty, wet or broken.

However, if you have a special requirement e.g. you would like to hear from them during the overnight camping part, please enquire and we may be able to find a solution for that communication.



Imagine will offer tents for kids, but kids need to bring their own sleeping bag.

Imagine 会提供露营的帐篷,但小朋友需要自己准备睡袋。



Kids(age 7-14):950/Day

3 days minimum





Early Bird: ¥790/Day (Sign up and pay a month before the start, and repost the camp in Moments or a group chat)

3 friends together: ¥850/Day

10 friends together: ¥750/Day


 早鸟价: ¥850/Day (提前一个月报名并转发朋友圈或群)

三人同报: ¥850/Day

十人同报: ¥750/Day


After you submit the sign-up form, you can pay by scanning the QR code and leaving the name of your child in the comments of the payment page.

Imagine Customer Service will get in contact with you 1 week before the camp and give you further details.





  • Activities and Instruction from Imagine’s English-speaking outdoor sports instructors,
  • Equipment for activities
  • Outdoor sports insurance for activities 
  • All entrance tickets
  • Transport fees
  • Breakfast and Lunch on days 4 and 5, Dinner on Days 3 and 4


  • 来自Imagine全英文外教的各项活动的执行和指导;
  • 活动中使用到的各项器材;
  • 户外活动专项保险;
  • 所有的门票和入场费;
  • 所有的车费;
  •  第4天、第5天的早餐和午餐,第3天、第4天的晚餐。

Does not include

  • Shopping, snacks (soft drinks, ice creams etc), sun cream (please bring own)


  • 购物、零食、防晒产品,第1至3天的午餐;