A fantastic opportunity to learn to sail, kayak and SUP, in an English-language environment, while also doing all kinds of fun watersports. Two locations in Huairou Jiudu River and Pingu Jinhai Lake. This is exactly what the summer holidays should feel like!
The schedule below is a guideline of what types of activities the students will do. Sailing and watersports rely heavily on the weather conditions, so we adjust the schedule so that students get the optimum conditions for each activity.
When the wind is good, we do as much sailing as possible. When there’s no wind but lovely warm weather, we do more of the other watersports. And if it’s not great weather, we spend more time indoors, learning super-important knowledge for sailing, and doing indoor games. This creates a nice balance of fun and learning over the whole week.

8-14 years old
Jul 11st – 15th
Aug 1st – 5th
Aug 22th – 26th
Sailing-specific Training Package
Pick Up
8:00 am – Northeast corner of the Yansha Qiao
8:30 am – East gate of Riviera
Drop Off
17:15 pm – East gate of Riviera
17:40 pm – Northeast corner of the Yansha Qiao
8:00 燕莎桥东北角(早8:00 准时出发)
8:30 香江花园(早8:30 准时出发)
17:15 香江花园(下午5点15到达)
17:40 燕莎桥东北角(下午5点40到达)
Watersports Integrated Experience Package
Pick Up
8:00 am – Northeast corner of the Yansha Qiao
8:30 am – East gate of Riviera
9:00 am – West gate of ISB (Only available on Mon & Tue)
Drop Off
17:40 pm – Northeast corner of the Yansha Qiao
17:15 pm – East gate of Riviera
16:50 pm – West gate of ISB (Only available on Mon & Tue)
8:00 燕莎桥东北角
8:30 香江花园
9:00 顺义国际学校西门 (仅在周一及周二提供)
17:15 香江花园(下午5点15到达)
17:40 燕莎桥东北角(下午5点40到达)
16:50 顺义国际学校西门 (仅在周一及周二提供)
Kayaking Part I
After getting kitted out with the safety gear, learn about the main kayak paddling grip and motion and how to get into and out of the kayak without it tipping over. Discover how to turn left and right, emergency stop and reverse. Practise paddling around the area and enjoy the smooth feeling of gliding through the water. It takes a bit of getting used to, so this is the perfect opportunity to build up the skills and get the satisfaction of improvement.
As with every day, the water action will be punctuated with on-land games and sociable moments to break the ice and help students settle in and bond with other campers.
Kayaking Part II
With the directional controls dialled in, it’s time to level up. Learn how to spin your kayak around on the spot, try out other tricks and use your paddle to spray your friends with water! Practise ‘rafting up’ (joining the kayaks together) and take the challenge to walk across the decks and swap seats. Race against each other in teams to put your skills to the test.
在确保能熟练的控制方向后,是时候更进一步了。我们将学习如何定点旋转我们的皮划艇,并尝试其他的小技巧,甚至包括打一场趣味水仗! 我们也将练习将皮划艇组合成一架艇筏,并尝试在艇筏上走动和调换座位。我们还将进行一系列趣味友谊赛,验证我们的学习成果。

SUP Part I
In the hot afternoon, there’s nothing more refreshing than falling off a floating, wobbly board into the cool water. And that’s exactly what will happen when trying to stand up for the first time! After a few attempts and some top tips from friendly instructors, students will soon get the hang of the key skill of paddling on a Stand Up Paddle board. Just like kayaking, there are various control skills to learn, such as speed strokes, turning strokes, emergency stops and reversing.
Ever heard of SUP Quidditch? Probably not, as it’s another wacky Imagine speciality! Taking inspiration from the Harry Potter game, swap the broomsticks for SUP boards and try your best to catch floating objects, score goals and knock each other off boards with inflatable balls! Before that, get fully prepared by learning a couple more tricks of the trade, like spinning the board on the spot and even trying a floating handstand or cartwheel because: it’s summer, why not?

Sailing ropework and theory
Get to know the ropes! After an introduction to some core sailing knowledge, students practise a few important knots that are an essential foundation for their maritime learning journey and in fact quite useful for life too!
Rigging the boat, water safety, on-land simulation practice, launch and first try on water
Rigging the boat is a fun process with all kinds of parts that need to be put together in the right order, like a giant lego kit. Once that’s sorted, it’s time for some important water safety points. A cool simulator – essentially a boat on a rotating platform on land – is used to get familiar with the boat. Then it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for: the first launch! Feel that floating feeling for the first time, with the wind in your hair and the peace and quiet of the water all around you.

Understanding the wind, operation of rudder, on-land turning simulation, practice changing sides
The wind is a fascinating and complicated element that students may not usually think about so much. This lesson introduces the key ideas of wind direction, how a sail harnesses the wind and how a boat moves in relation to it. The rudder gives a sailor control of the direction, and students learn how to operate it to steer the boat. The simulator is used to practice this, as well as the movement of swapping sides, which is surprisingly challenging and an important foundation for all later skills.
Beam Reach (Crosswind), tacking, capsizing and re-righting the boat
Next, we explore the idea of beam reach and learn the essential skill of tacking. Then the fun part: what to do if you capsize! Practise the correct reaction to this common event, righting the boat from the water and getting back onto it safely. A great excuse to cool off in the water.

Sailing wind diagram study, sail force analysis, jibing practice on simulator, on-water practice
Time to get a bit nerdy with some wind diagrams and analysis of the boat’s power with different wind directions. This is all important stuff if you want your boat to go the right way, after all! Then it’s time for a new key skill: jibing (turning while heading downwind). This challenging maneuver is practiced first on the simulator and then on the water.
Run (downwind sailing) and jibing, figure-of-8 sailing, boating battle, large sailing boat experience
After practicing downwind sailing and new skill of jibing, students try the satisfying exercise of sailing around independently in a figure-of-8 shape. Other fun moments include a water battle while out on the lake, and the experience of sailing all together on a bigger boat with the instructors.

Close-Hauled (near windward sailing) training, Z-shaped route, figure-of-8 route
Heard of the expression ‘sailing close to the wind’? This is where it comes from. Close-Hauled is a difficult skill that will keep ambitious students suitably hooked now that they’ve got the basics down. The new Z-shaped route provides a fresh challenge, along with more practice cruising around in figures-of-8.
Triangular route, comprehensive practice
A triangular route gets students to really tackle all angles of wind. This is followed by extended comprehensive practice to hone all skills, gain confidence and enjoy that ‘I can do it!’ feeling.

Theory exam, practical test
Students complete a theory exam and a practical test on the water to officially conclude that they are now accomplished young sailors.
Learn about sailing competitions, friendly race
To round off the week and further put their skills to the test, students learn the basic format of competitive sailing and then go head-to-head in a friendly race. The excitement of competition is a great way for students to get hooked on learning more. We hope the course inspires kids to develop their love of watersports further, or to use the many new transferable skills in other areas of later life.


1) Students who sign up for Sailing-specific Training will acquire an ASA (American Sailing Association) 110 level certificate or BYA (Beijing Yachting Association) certificate, depending on whether they manage to pass the ASA exam.
2) Students who complete the Watersports Integrated Experience camp will acquire a BYA certificate.
1)选择参加5天帆船专项训练的学生将有机会在通过最终考核的情况下获得ASA(American Sailing Association)110级别证书。若未能通过ASA考核,也将获得BYA证书(Beijing Yachting Association)。
1) Sailing-specific Training is perfect for students who are particularly interested in sailing, hoping to acquire solid sailing practice and theory knowledge, and those who would relish the challenge to obtain an official ASA 110 certificate;
2) Watersports Integrated Experience fits perfectly with students who have wide-ranging interests across different kinds of water sports, and those looking for a pleasant week with rich and varied experiences;
3) Another watersports camp focusing mostly on kayaking and SUP is scheduled for this August. For students who would like to obtain an ASA 110 certificate but also don’t want to miss the chance to experience kayaking and SUP, we would recommend selecting Sailing-specific Training this time and subscribing to our updates by messaging our customer service. We will then contact you as soon as the August Kayaking and SUP Watersports Camp is ready for sign-ups.
1)帆船专项训练适合对帆船特别感兴趣,并希望通过训练得到更扎实的理论和实践经验,并愿意接受挑战尝试考取ASA 110证书的学生;
3)我们有计划在8月份开设皮划艇和桨板的专项水上运动营。若学生既想尝试获得ASA 110证书,又不愿意错过体验皮划艇和桨板,建议学生这一次选择帆船专项训练,并向我们的客服登记信息,我们将在皮划艇和桨板的专项水上运动营开始招生时,及时与您取得联系。
We can customize private watersports camps for groups of 8 students or over. Please kindly enquire with our customer service to obtain a proposal and quote.
¥11980 (Watersports Integrated Experience Package)
¥14680 (Sailing-specific Training Package)
Early Bird: ¥300 off (Sign up and pay 1 month in advance, and repost the camp in Moments or a group chat)
Sign up with 2~4 friends: ¥300 off (Sign up for 5 days)
Sign up with 5~8 friends: ¥500 off (Sign up for 5 days)
Sign up with 9 friends: ¥700 off (Sign up for 5 days)
Early bird and group discounts can be used together. Don’t worry, you can even sign up first and if you find more friends later, get the difference refunded!
Adults : Students Ratio 1:5 (+/-2)
Spaces will be strictly limited this year as a disease prevention measure, so get in early before they fill up!
¥11980 (水上运动综合体验选项)
¥14680 (帆船专项训练选项)
早鸟价: 优惠¥300 (提前一个月报名且支付,并转发朋友圈或群)
3~5人团购: 优惠¥300(同期报名,连报5天)
6~9人团购: 优惠¥500(同期报名,连报5天)
10人或以上团购: 优惠¥700(同期报名,连报5天)
教员:学员比例 1:5(+/-2)
Activities and Instruction from Imagine’s experienced outdoor activity instructors
Equipment for activities
Outdoor sports insurance for activities
All entrance tickets
2 nights accommodation for Wed – Thur (for Watersports Integrated Experience)
4 nights accommodation (for Sailing-specific Training)
All meals when on camp
Not Included
Shopping, snacks (soft drinks, ice creams etc), sun cream, watersport shoes (please bring own)
After you submit the sign-up form, you could pay by scanning the QR code and leave the name of your child in the comments of the payment page.
Imagine Customer Service will get in contact with you 1 week before the camp and give you further details.
Customer Service
+86 13811561042
